Freeze Protection
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Freeze Protection
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Alerts are delayed by 15 minutes so if you aren't receiving any texts/emails when the device is activated, wait at least 15 minutes to see if you receive notifications (Offline alert is 45 minutes)
If the GFCI is tripping try the reset button and if that doesn't work unplug the cord for 10 seconds and then plug it back in.
Make sure you have used all the cords provided with The Spa Dragon. You must connect the power extension that plugs into the heater and the wifi unit and the temperature probe. If you just plug the wifi unit (the round device) directly into the heater it will not power up.
The & symbol can cause problems with pairing, make sure it is not in your ssid (wifi username) or password.
Your wifi router signal has to be 2.4GHz as The Spa Dragon can't pair on 5GHz, if you've paired to your 5GHz use the instructions below for "you have a new router/wifi" to connect to the 2.4GHz of your router.
Your phone may be auto connecting to your router or 5g phone network, to resolve this try connecting to The Spa Dragon from a desktop or laptop computer or try turning off the data or using airplane mode on your phone in your phone settings. If this doesn't work or you can't turn off your cellular data try connecting in airplane mode
It is recommended to pair The Spa Dragon in your home prior to installation in your hot tub as the as The Spa Dragon will populate the strongest signals in the area which may exclude yours from the list. If your signal is not shown in the list of available wifi's you just need to unplug the power, then disconnect the temp probe, then plug in the power cord again and it will re-populate the list. If you still don't see your wifi repeat and or move closer to your router until you get it connected. Once connected make sure to plug the temp sensor back in for normal operation of The Spa Dragon
If you signed into your account with google this feature will not work as we don't have your password stored.
(note, you may have to turn off cellular data on phone)
unplug the unit then disconnect the temp probe from the back of the wifi unit (the round part)
plug the unit back in and it should be purple
Open wifi options on phone and connect to "the spa dragon"
Open browser and enter
select new wifi
enter new wifi password
select "update settings"
Unplug unit, plug temp probe back in
Plug unit back in, should be green and connected again
These fluctuations are normal, the water in the pipes of your hot tub will cool down well below the temperature in the main body of your tub as there is very little water in the pipes compared to the main body. For example you may have your tub set at 102 degrees but the spa dragon says it's 70. When your hot tub runs a filter cycle it pushes warm water from the main body into the pipe that the spa dragon is reading which will make it jump back up in temperature. When the hot tub is heating, the water coming directly out of the heater barrel is much hotter than the main body which is how it brings up the temp of the main body of water which is why you're getting readings above your set point.
Due to these fluctuations between heating and filter cycles you will get peaks and valleys in the temp readings so you want to set your alert temp below the lowest valley so you don't get any false alarms (there is also a 15 minute delay for alerts to be sent to help prevent false alarms as well). Also, The Spa Dragon is not taking fine temperature readings as it is reading the temperature through the plumbing not directly in the water and it's only monitoring for large temperature drops caused by malfunctions.
If the temp probe is not connected properly it will give a default reading of -150F. If this is occurring unplug The Spa Dragon, disconnect the temp probe and re-connect it and make sure it is firmly connected then plug The Spa Dragon back in.
- Make sure that the DHCP lease time in your wireless router is set to a minimum of 10 hours. Please refer to your router's operating manual for instructions on changing the DHCP lease time.
- Relocate your wireless router so that it is close to a window that overlooks your hot tub for maximum signal strength.
- Ensure that the connection between your wireless router and your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is not intermittent. You can check the log files in your wireless router or talk to your ISP.
There are different levels and types of insulation in hot tubs and The Spa Dragon will help more with some spas and less with others. Use of the spa dragon does not guarantee your hot tub will not sustain freeze damage during winter so it is vital that you get your spa/swimspa repaired as soon as you're aware it has malfunctioned or lost power.